my rainfall totals for 1/28/2018 and 1/29/2018
rainfall total 1.01 in for 1/28/2018 rainfall total 0.61 in for 1/29/2018 Stormtotal 1.62 in for purdy,va
rainfall total 1.01 in for 1/28/2018 rainfall total 0.61 in for 1/29/2018 Stormtotal 1.62 in for purdy,va
Current temperature 56° rainfall so far for today 0.49 in
Welcome to Owen Farm Weather! I’m Chipper McDonald. I own a Personal Weather Station and report my local weather conditions from Owen Farm Weather in Purdy, VA. My PWS sends data to Wunderground, PWS Weather, NWS CWOP, WeatherCloud, WeatherBug, and anywhere else I can send data from my PWS to. I will also blog about weather events affecting Purdy, VA and share observation reports from my PWS. I look forward to being a member of the WeatherTogether contributor team! View my…
high was 66 degrees at 2:40pm and low was 26 degrees at 7:19am for purdy,va currently 57 degrees in purdy,va